are some key elements to promote your blog to get the flow of traffic to
your messages from a variety of sources and none of them has anything to
do with search engines autonomy.
1. Publish your posts on social networks
Bloggers have a great advantage that many business owners who started the year, and it is the influence of social media. Once you've written and posted your message, and of course, the first thing you should do is to announce this posting for people in your networks and social media. Remember, however, that if you write a message at 2 am, you'll want to wait for news sites and social media with your followers are most active.
Social networking sites that have proven to generate traffic as follows: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+ and Pinterest.
Make sure that you include social media sharing buttons on your blog, bloggers, is still a very large number of you do not have to remember one thing: I can not talk about social media without talking about SEO. We can influence and improve the other.
Search engines like Google have started to give importance to social cues when it comes to search rankings. So, whenever you build your social influence with more tweets, more love, more action and more of your pin content, in addition to displaying your content Google will classify your content based on the faith of your readers.
Bing search engine now incorporates the impact of social classification Klout social tool in their box.
Bottom line: If you've been avoiding it or play with it, and it's time to get serious about becoming more social.
2. Announce messages to your sphere of influence
It is a strategy many bloggers avoid like the plague. One of the cool things about a blog is that you can write what you want, when you want, and I've tried a lot of cool things on your blog without having to obtain the consent of the latter.
Unfortunately, this "alone on an island" approach does not work when it comes to getting real readers of your blog. It takes a village to raise a blog!
Identify and build a circle of people that you know your blog is on the Internet and share their lists with their communities and social media. Department does not need to be great. Even if you know two people will put your content in front of a lot more than doing it alone. These can be friends, who also wrote and coaches you have worked, or commitments that you made on social media.
To communicate with my sphere of influence, I created a small group, in particular Facebook, an invitation to join, and now declare all other objects that can easily post a link to them. There are also some other prominent bloggers to send personal e-mail and the content they share. Blogger recently told me of his list which resulted in more than 142 subscribers to my insisted on a 48-hour period. This is great for e-mail!
Think of two people you can meet up today and ask them to be ready to engage in the mutual promotion of blog. Most bloggers say yes.
3. Messages on strengthening communities blogs
I thought blogging communities are a waste of time. I was wrong. Many of the bloggers who are getting major traffic to their sites are very active in blogging communities and have been for a long time. That's the kind of people who think like, want to meet and begin to build relationships with other like minded bloggers.
To Promote their own content on these communities.
Friend them on the communities.
Share their posts on social media.
Write guest posts for them.
When you do, you will begin to be part of the "click" of bloggers who support and defend each other.4. Announce messages to the list
Strangely, many bloggers forget all email suscribers, some bloggers have tunnel vision and are only concerned about "new traffic" that come to their sites, but they are an important source of traffic to the blog, an essential source of traffic to any blog is return visitors. Back Visitors enjoy your content, and more likely to be word of mouth, and share your content on their social networks, comment on your posts and work on a call to action that you include in your articles.
To get subscriber traffic, make sure that you offer ample opportunities and incentives for visitors to opt into your list: top of site, right sidebar, after posts, in guest posts, etc
It is also important to provide subscribers with more of an opportunity to read your messages. For example, sending a newsletter that has a new article on your site in the upper part of the week, but you can write an email at weekend that gives a summary of all articles have been published on the blog these days. This ensures that you regularly get visitor traffic to your site every week.
1. Build you backlinks over time! Avoid building lots of links during a short time frame!
2. check that to create links from many alternative locations, mistreatment totally different methods (not solely article submissions, for example)
3. Build quality links, you are doing not want 100s of low quality backlinks!
Social SEO
1. produce social profiles for your web site
2. Interlink Profiles and your web site
3. Link from your web site to your profiles
4. move on those networks
5. Post quality content and link back to connected article on your web site
Since the last Google updates, the most important task is to utilize high quality and unique content! Feel free to add your ideas or ask any questions you got one.
What are the strategies to promote a blog that you can use to generate more traffic to your website? I would like to hear about it in the comments.
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